Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Guest Post: Elaine Hirsch | Angela Maiers Educational Services, Inc.

If you?ve ever had trouble speaking in public, this post by Elaine Hirsch should be a wonderful tool for you! Enjoy, and speak up!

How to Develop Public Speaking Skills Online

Public speaking is one of the most effective ways to communicate ideas and
persuade people to understand your point of view. However, if you have
never spoken in public before, or just have anxiety towards doing so, you
may have trouble with the idea of giving a speech to a group of people. Now
you can let go of that fear because there are ways to learn how to develop
public speaking skills online.

One way to develop your public speaking skills is to look for an online class
devoted to the topic. If there is no in-person class in your area, find an
online class that teaches public speaking skills. Several colleges offer online
public speaking courses, including the University of Wisconsin. Its
Introduction to Public Speaking course covers speech composition, delivery
and effective listening skills and can help you gather the poise and
confidence to become a better public speaker. It requires you to be able to
record video clips and post them online with the use of a webcam, helping
you learn different methods of speaking in front of an audience. Although
the course may seem basic and lacking in content, prominent programs
such as traditional or online MBA programs value their students? abilities to
be able to speak in public and persuade consumers or shareholders.

If you cannot afford a college course, you can still take public speaking
lessons online for free. One such site, School for Champions, offers a full
spectrum of topics related to public speaking, including setting goals,
preparing to speak, showing confidence in your delivery, and satisfying your
audience. It even suggests ways to make money as a public speaker.

If you dislike the structure of a classroom, you can still learn to speak in
public by reading as many articles as you can about the subject. Stephen M.
Fournier?s website focuses on the art and science of rhetoric and how
speakers use their skills effectively. In addition, his site contains pointers
about body language, speech writing, vocal intonation, and how to
overcome nervousness.

Most importantly, you need to practice the skills you learn in order to
develop them and keep them sharp. Just as a photographer can only take
better pictures through practice, you can only become good public speaker
when you practice the skills you learn from one of these online sources. If
you want to practice using a pre-written speech, the Internet is full of
historical speeches you can use to improve your skills. The History Place
offers a collection of historically significant speeches, from Patrick
Henry?s ?Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death? speech to Winston
Churchill?s ?Their Finest Hour? speech to President George W. Bush?s first
address to the American people after 9/11.

When you know what skills you need to speak in public effectively, you can
overcome your fear of public speaking through study and practice. The
Internet is a great place to gather the resources needed to start gaining the
experience needed to speak in public.


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